Copyright Policy

Before submitting their articles to the system, Journal of Historical Studies requires authors to sign and send the Copyright Agreement.

The copyright of the works submitted to the journal belongs to the authors. The works published in our journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. It is important to highlight the following points:

  1. The copyright of the published article belongs to the author(s).
  2. If other individuals, institutions, or organizations hold rights over the article, their copyright and intellectual property rights are reserved.
  3. By submitting their work to Journal of Historical Studies, the author(s) recognise the journal as the publisher and authorize Journal of Historical Studies to publish it.
  4. Authors who have submitted their work to Journal of Historical Studies may use their work in other studies and contexts after the process is completed. In this case, it is recommended to indicate that the preliminary version of the work was published in the relevant issue of Journal of Historical Studies. This approach protects both the journal and the author.
  5. The journal’s licensing method does not alter or restrict the integrity and ownership of the author(s)’ work.
  6. All commercial rights of the articles belong to the author(s).